Projektbasiertes, niveaustufenübergreifendes Lernen: Anwendung der Lernen durch Lehren (LdL) Methode in der Grammatikvermittlung des universitären Fremdsprachenunterrichts

Sabrina Link


Explicit grammar teaching is still often an integral part of university foreign language teaching, as the institutional framework leaves little room and time for more implicit, creative, or communicative grammar teaching.
An attempt to open these rigid structures is the cross-level project "Grammar learning by teaching", in which more advanced students explain a grammar topic to students at a lower language level. The project, which was carried out with German students at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland and the Università di Urbino in Italy, is partly based on the "Learning by Teaching" method founded by Jean-Pol Marti. In addition to promoting language skills and improving grammar comprehension, the project also intends to increase learner autonomy and promote media competencies, presentation skills and social learning. A special focus lies on cross-level learning.
The article presents the theoretical framework and practical implementation of the project under different conditions at the two respective universities. Furthermore, supported by student feedback, the positive effects in terms of developing various competencies, as well as possible problems with the methodology, are discussed, and the two project variants are compared with one another.

Parole chiave

Learning by teaching (LdL); grammar teaching in university GFL lessons; social learning; project-based teaching

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