Mensch und Maschine: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen zur Nutzung von KI in der Fachübersetzung Italienisch-Deutsch

Sabine Brier


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of many areas of our life. Nowadays there are numerous technological tools available for producing translations that can make the work of translators easier, but this process presents a new challenge: incorporating artificial intelligence into didactics. This article illustrates some concrete teaching examples in the Master's degree program in specialized translation that are designed to enable students to use AI competently and reflectively, as well as develop new competency strategies which are necessary for using correctly automated translation. The translation exercises from the fields of law and medicine contain different translation problems and focus primarily on the topics of terminology and target group orientation, flanked by the guiding questions: What solutions does AI offer and what competencies do translators need to develop to verify the solutions proposed by AI? What significance does post-editing have for the translation process? How precise is an AI and what significance do prompts have for the translation result? In this context, AI should not be seen as a replacement for human translation, but rather as a complement to the existing language and translation competencies.

Parole chiave

Artificial intelligence; specialized translation; post editing; didactic

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