Ricerca-azione e analisi delle reti sociali in contesti di apprendimento linguistico online: una proposta metodologica

Alessandro Puglisi


At the present time, talking about “distance” education means almost exclusively talking about education that takes place on the Web and through its use for educational purposes. More specifically, the last two years have shown a dramatic increase in the popularity of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses); this phenomenon, especially with reference to Language MOOCs, requires to be observed and studied adequately. Subsequently, it is necessary to shape and develop critical skills and tools to notice and confront issues in massive online learning contexts.

This paper aims to present a methodology that encompasses action research and social network analysis to detect and address issues in LMOOCs. Relying on Moore’s transactional distance theory, the methodology involves a four-phases process in which two distinct analyses are conducted. On the one hand, a monitoring system gathers a large amount of data, regarding the social network in the LMOOC, to be examined; on the other hand, the LMOOC tutor makes use of different tools to reflect upon his/her teaching. All this leads, therefore, to the availability of a brand-new procedure (to be empirically validated) in studying learning interactions, in a broader sense, in massive online learning contexts.

Parole chiave

Learning; languages; MOOC; action research; social network analysis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/1970-1861/1331


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