Percepciones sobre la erosión lingüística en docentes nativos de ELE en Italia

Ángel de la Torre Sánchez


This article explores the perception and impact of linguistic attrition among native Spanish-speaking teachers of Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) in Italy. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study collected data through a questionnaire with both closed and open-ended questions. The sample included 22 teachers, mostly women aged 35 to 54, who have lived in Italy for 10 to 30 years, primarily teaching at the secondary and university levels.
The results show that teachers experience moderate difficulty recalling words, with factors such as teaching experience, length of residence in Italy, and age influencing this. More than half of the teachers reflect on the loss of linguistic competence, although this tendency decreases with longer stays in the country. Teachers perceive attrition most strongly in phonetics, often based on external feedback, while changes in grammar and vocabulary reflect interference from Italian.
The article emphasizes the need to raise awareness among teachers about the impact of linguistic attrition and the importance of implementing pedagogical strategies to mitigate its effects. These findings provide a deeper understanding of the phenomenon and lay the groundwork for developing educational interventions that help preserve teachers' competence in Spanish.

Parole chiave

Language attrition; ELE; native speakers; linguistic competences

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