Stratégies métacognitives et participation active des étudiant(e)s aux processus d’apprentissage: l’apport des technologies numériques

Micaela Rossi


To what extent can metacognitive reflection help students in their disciplinary learning process? How can new digital technologies encourage active participation in metacognitive reflection?
Our contribution aims to analyse the impact of the introduction of activities designed to enhance students' metacognitive skills on learning processes at university level. We will describe the results of an experiment conducted with first-year French language students at the University of Genoa during the 2022-23 academic year, using the Wooclap survey platform ( to encourage metacognitive reflection (Tanner, 2012). The creation of a series of weekly Wooclap surveys, concerning both disciplinary knowledge and metacognitive strategies, was proposed to students during the first semester 2022-23: we will analyse the results obtained in terms of consolidation of metacognitive skills as well as in terms of success in disciplinary achievement.

Parole chiave

Metacognition; active learning; clickers; instant polls for learning

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