Uno studio sull’apprendimento delle lingue nella terza età: Il Progetto VintAge. Focus su inclusione, ageismo e lingue straniere

Mario Cardona, Maria Cecilia Luise, Tatiana Temporale


The article illustrates a research called "Learning foreign languages for seniors. Vintage project”, whose roots can be identified in the increasingly pressing and investigated themes of active ageing, empowerment, and inclusion of the elderly population.  To avoid the risk of social exclusion, the elderly need new skills, and among these the plurilingual, communicative and intercultural ones are central. Language learning experiences have a privileged place in the well-being of the elderly, and the relevant literature shows that they are able to bring social, cultural and cognitive benefits. In particular, the Vintage project had the main objective of implementing and experimenting - in order to test its effectiveness - teaching materials created ad hoc for the teaching-learning of foreign languages dedicated to students over 60. Some of the data obtained will be analyzed, in order to propose a reflection on the socio-personal, biographical, linguistic characteristics of the elderly who require linguistic training and on the perceptions they have regarding old age and learning in old age. Some conclusions of a linguistic nature will be given on the basis of the examination of the research data and in particular on the basis of the data provided by the informants of our research, it will be seen that there is a problem of inclusion and ageism which can negatively affect the elderly language student. Therefore, promoting inclusion and fighting ageism are decisive actions for the success or failure of the language learning path.

Parole chiave

Foreign language learning; geragogy; elderly; active ageing; inclusion; ageism; language teaching materials

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