Il dibattito strutturato letterario: una variante del debate per lo sviluppo delle competenze in Spagnolo L2

Daniela D'Ambrosio


A teaching method that allows for a different approach to literature is undoubtedly structured debate. The purpose of this article is to illustrate the salient aspects of the application of this method within the teaching-learning process of L2 Spanish, highlighting how linguistic-expressive, communicative-literary and transversal skills can be developed.
Particular attention is dedicated to the various phases that structure the literary debate, considering that it is a comparison between learners who interpret a role assigned to them (for example a modernist author), to acquire a certain linguistic and emotional awareness.
A further reflection concerns the possibility of the literary debate to contribute to the development of the whole person, to motivate him, since the analysis of the texts is not an end, but becomes viaticum for a sort of personal enrichment, which goes well beyond the literary competence.

Parole chiave

Debate; competence; literature; critical thinking; awareness

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