Tendencias metodológicas actuales en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del español para extranjeros
The methodologies in the Spanish-as-a-foreign-language teaching process have made use of contributions from different linguistics areas, which has generated the emergence of new currents in recent years. This process is not only influenced by different interdisciplinary contributions, but also by the interests and motivations of the learners, as well as the diverse learning contexts. There is no doubt that methodology is a key element in language teaching-learning processes, since the academic results of students and the achievement of the proposed objectives will largely depend on it. Through this review of the different methodological approaches in the field of Spanish-as-a-foreign-language teaching process, we aim to assess which proposal is the most appropriate for implementation in Spanish classrooms.
Parole chiave
Learning autonomy; communicative approach; European Language Portfolio; pragmatic competence; postcommunicative approach
Full Text
PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/1970-1861/2152
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