Fomentando la diversidad cultural en el aula: propuesta didáctica para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de culturemas en el aula de ELE/EL2 (niveles B1-B2 del MCERL)

Esther Gracia Palomo


Nowadays, interconnection in our society is at an unprecedented level. Concepts such as “globalization”, “culture”, and their variants (“pluri-”, “multi-”, and “interculturality”) are essential for understanding the societies’ dynamics and interpersonal relationships, transforming them significantly and shaping a global landscape where information, culture, and economy transcend borders.
This article examines these concepts’ relevance in and their presence in educational environments highlighting their contribution to build a more plural and inclusive society.
Moreover, we propose a Learning Situation (SdA) that includes an activity aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), “Quality Education” “Reduced Inequalities” fourth and tenth respectively. Our objective is for students of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) and Spanish as a Second Language (LE2) at B1-B2 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to identify and assimilate cultural components, one of the most challenging aspects of learning a foreign language. The focus will be on the Spanish-speaking context of Spain, working with specific cultureme.

Parole chiave

Interculturality; learning situation; Spanish as a foreign language; cultureme; sustainable development goals

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