Viaje al pasado: propuesta didáctica para la enseñanza del patrimonio léxico árabe en clases de ELE a través de los arabismos

Rocío Sánchez Noa


Within the theoretical framework of the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language (SFL), this article presents a didactic proposal for teaching SFL through the Arabic lexical heritage, focusing on Arabic loanwords that persist in the language. The proposal is based on the importance of vocabulary in foreign language teaching and the need to incorporate the cultural component in SFL education, given the Andalusian legacy in the Spanish language. The article offers a sequence of pedagogical activities based on a task-based, action-oriented approach, aimed at intermediate-level students (B2). Through an interdisciplinary approach that combines history, culture, and language, the goal is to enhance students' lexical and sociocultural competence, facilitating vocabulary learning from the historical and cultural context in which the Arabic loanwords emerged.

Parole chiave

Teaching spanish as a foreign language (SFL); lexical; al-Andalus; arabisms and didactic proposal

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