Le proteste nell’italiano di nativi e non nativi: strategie e meccanismi di modulazione

Anna De Marco


The research presented in this contribution aims to observe and describe the pragmalingusitic and sociopragmatic competence of L2 Italian learners, with different L1s, while carrying out the communicative act of complaining. The focus of the study is a first exploration of the linguistic behaviors natives and non-natives display in the use of their strategies and their distribution with reference to the type of relationship between the interlocutors which varies according to their hierarchical relationship (P) and social distance (D), and the communicative situation. Results show a general difficulty for learners with a low level of proficiency to use all the strategies and to adapt them to the different situations and to the relationship they maintain with the interlocutors. Learners with a higher level of competence show a greater variety of modifications and of supporting acts although not always appropriate to the roles speakers play in the different situations.

Parole chiave

Speech act of complaint; second language acquisition; (socio)pragmatics

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/1970-1861/1664


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