Quale (e quanta) cultura? Riflessioni sull’educazione linguistica interculturale

Claudia Borghetti


The article offers some reflections on the so-called ‘intercultural perspective to the teaching of modern languages’ or ‘intercultural linguistic education’.

It focuses in particular on a relatively recent development of the discipline, linked to the attempt to adopt a non-essentialist definition of ‘culture’ in glottodidactics.

Unlike the well-known culturalist paradigm, the non-essentialist one challenges the idea that it is appropriate to set up the development of intercultural competence by leveraging only the international dimension of diversity.

Non-essentialist principles are currently on the margins of intercultural linguistic education; but they are an opportunity to question some of the assumptions on which much of the theoretical reflection and didactic practice dedicated to the intercultural aims of learning and teaching languages are based.

Parole chiave

Educazione linguistica interculturale; competenza interculturale; paradigma culturalista; approccio non essenzialista.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/1970-1861/1529


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