This paper aims at examining the principal benefits to Glottodidactics provided by the co-operation with Corpus Linguistics and by the analysis of loanwords.
The first part of the present paper is a survey dealing with the involvement and cooperation between Glottodidactics and Corpus Linguistics, conveyed through the analysis of actual benefits and current developments: a rethinking in methods and characteristics of language acquisition process; the individualization of the role of the student as a researcher; the absence of anxiogenic factors; the presence of strong motivational elements.
The second part is inspired by a shrewd guess that was made supposing that the use, or better, the recognition of particular lexical elements, such as loanwords, would be useful in a language acquisition process and, even more, in planning a language teaching “pathway”.
A loanword, in its pure (or non-integrated) form, has a great potential in a glottodidactic perspective due to the stability of its aspect. On the other hand integrated loanwords have the special power to strengthen, to reinforce the mnemonic trace when added with a specific consideration about their aspect, their role, their meaning.
The first part of the present paper is a survey dealing with the involvement and cooperation between Glottodidactics and Corpus Linguistics, conveyed through the analysis of actual benefits and current developments: a rethinking in methods and characteristics of language acquisition process; the individualization of the role of the student as a researcher; the absence of anxiogenic factors; the presence of strong motivational elements.
The second part is inspired by a shrewd guess that was made supposing that the use, or better, the recognition of particular lexical elements, such as loanwords, would be useful in a language acquisition process and, even more, in planning a language teaching “pathway”.
A loanword, in its pure (or non-integrated) form, has a great potential in a glottodidactic perspective due to the stability of its aspect. On the other hand integrated loanwords have the special power to strengthen, to reinforce the mnemonic trace when added with a specific consideration about their aspect, their role, their meaning.
Parole chiave
Glottodidattica; Corpus; Forestierismi; Corpus Linguistics
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