Il ruolo delle emozioni in contesto glotto-geragogico

Mario Cardona


Emotions play a key role in human life. Indeed, emotions are essential for human life so much that the survival of the human species would be compromised in the absence of emotions. Emotions have an important biological function and they play a fundamental role in the human adaptation during the evolution processes. Emotions guide our decisions, goals, and interests. They are involved in the development of judgments and opinions on the world around us and they contribute significantly to the social and sentimental interaction of the individual within the society in which he/she lives. Given these premises, in this paper it will be argued the fundamental role of emotions in the learning processes and their deep connection with the cognitive functions. In particular, the increasing importance of emotions during human life will be taken in consideration. In this perspective, it will be highlighted that the elderly appreciate emotions and emotional experiences and several studies confirm that the processing of emotions do not deteriorate in the elderly, but rather they are improved. Therefore, for the language education of the elderly, emotions must be considered a central aspect.

Parole chiave

Emotions; learning processes; cognitive functions; emotions in the elderly; language education of the elderly

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