François Lasserre face à Strabon: le texte et les muses

Didier Marcotte


An expert of Greek poetry and editor of Archilochus with André Bonnard, the Swiss scholar François Lasserre (1919-1989) was the initiator of the Strabo edition in the Collection des Universités de France: he personally published seven books of Strabo as well as the introduction to the text and its history. The project began in 1949/1950 during a research fellowship at the Swiss In­stitute in Rome where Lasserre studied the manuscript tradition of Strabo’s Geography and especially its most ancient testimony, the Vatican palimpsest. He produced a diplomatic edition of the Vatican manuscript which is im­portant to this day for portions of the text that has become illegible in the original. Some of Lassere’s letters to Paola Zancani Montuoro and Wolfgang Aly are here edited: the letters display his ongoing studies of the palimpsest.

Parole chiave

François Lasserre; Geography of Strabo; palimpsest of Strabo; André Bonnard; Wolfgang Aly; Paola Zancani Montuoro; Poseidonia/Paestum.

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