François Lasserre face à Strabon: le texte et les muses
An expert of Greek poetry and editor of Archilochus with André Bonnard, the Swiss scholar François Lasserre (1919-1989) was the initiator of the Strabo edition in the Collection des Universités de France: he personally published seven books of Strabo as well as the introduction to the text and its history. The project began in 1949/1950 during a research fellowship at the Swiss Institute in Rome where Lasserre studied the manuscript tradition of Strabo’s Geography and especially its most ancient testimony, the Vatican palimpsest. He produced a diplomatic edition of the Vatican manuscript which is important to this day for portions of the text that has become illegible in the original. Some of Lassere’s letters to Paola Zancani Montuoro and Wolfgang Aly are here edited: the letters display his ongoing studies of the palimpsest.
Parole chiave
François Lasserre; Geography of Strabo; palimpsest of Strabo; André Bonnard; Wolfgang Aly; Paola Zancani Montuoro; Poseidonia/Paestum.
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