Evolving leadership in the digital age: A literature review on essential competencies for managing digital platforms

Teuta Hazizi (Balliu)


The digital age has transformed leadership, especially within the field of digital platforms, increasingly vital for business development, operational efficiency, and customer engagement. As organizations rely more on these platforms, traditional leadership skills prove insufficient to address the unique challenges and opportunities they present. This literature review identifies essential competencies for effective digital leadership, including digital literacy, agility, data-driven decision-making, remote team management, and fostering innovation. It also emphasizes the importance of strategic foresight, ethical leadership, user-centric design, change management, and collaboration. These competencies are critical for leaders to tackle the problems of digital transformation, ensure cybersecurity, balance innovation with operational stability, and maintain digital trust. The study introduces a comprehensive framework tailored to the demands of digital platforms, offering practical insights into how leadership must progress to fully leverage these platforms and sustain long-term growth. This review contributes to the understanding of digital leadership, providing a structured approach for organizations aiming to thrive in an increasingly dynamic and digital business landscape.

Parole chiave

leadership competencies; cybersecurity; change management; innovation

Full Text


DOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/2612-6583/2039


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