Next generation "mediterranea": una via nuova per la formazione dei civil servant

Pino Pisicchio


Public Administration and democracy represent two expressions of the same hendiadys indissolubly connected with constitutional democracy. Among the many reasons that support this orientation, a prominent role derives from the need to involve citizens in the action of the public administration to broaden its legitimacy and from the democratic formation of the actors of the bureaucratic apparatus, destined to play fundamental roles in the process of transformation of political decisions into administrative acts. Furthermore, the "political" function tout court that the public official can perform at the top levels cannot be neglected, when he directly directs the administrative process in symbiosis with those who exercise the government function. It must be considered that in Western democracies - especially of French and Italian culture - the contiguity between the bureaucratic elite and politics often leads to the use of the "revolving door" that conveys (in France through the training course of ENA, in Italy through technical governments) public officials from the role covered in the bureaucracy directly to that of government. The centrality of the Public Administration in an evolutionary key of democracies is clearly present in the Weltanschauung of the EU and is also reaffirmed in the extraordinary plan approved on 17 December 2020, the Recovery Plan, aimed at financing a recovery project over the seven-year period 2021 / 2027, providing direct support from member countries after the dramatic crisis caused by covid-19. The long-term budget, which provides for flexibility mechanisms, will also be able to rely on the temporary instrument represented by the Next Generation EU, for an amount of resources equal to 1800 billion euros in order to make Europe "greener, digital and resilient ". Of these 73.1 billion are destined for the Public Administration. In this context, the essay proposes a reflection on the link between bureaucracy and democratic culture, a reflection on the role of training in the PA in perspective, looking at a reference basin wider than the EU borders, namely the Mediterranean, which has long been the subject of attention and interventions by the EU institutions.

Parole chiave

Public Amdinistration; democracy; mediterranean nex generation

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