L’Europe est sans pourquoi

Michel Maffessoli


This contribution proposes a reflection on the idea of Europe, identifying some of the elements of continuity and rupture between the ideal originally underlying the European project and the current situation. From this perspective, it is crucial to recognise the importance that the phenomenon of modernity has had in the evolution of European history and the European ideal, allowing it to inspire and/or dominate the rest of the world. On the contrary, post-democracy and the emphasis on the concept of the nation-state seem to have frozen any communitarian ideal, generating a Europe that is far removed from the federal model (capable of giving citizens a sense of European belonging) and whose stasis has stifled any impulse to believe, think and do in the name of collective values.

Parole chiave

Idea of Europe; modernity; post-modernity; European community; European values

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Riferimenti bibliografici

Durkheim E. (1969). Leçons de sociologie, PUF: Paris.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/2240-760X/1651


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Rivista di Scienze Sociali e Filosofia Politica

ISSN 2240-760X