Lessico Digitale della Commedia Greca (LDCG): testo, scena, ricezione. Il bomolochos e la voce di Aristofane nell’archaia

Mario Regali


With the vocabulary of buffoonery (βωμολοχ-) Aristophanes often rejects comic entertainement of a trite and banal sort. In spite of those passages, scholarship has attempted to pin down the bomolochos as a highly specific character but, as Dionysus’ character in the Frogs shows, utterances of that type are not at odds with the severe Aristophanic claim to poetic inventiveness and refinement.

Parole chiave

Buffoonery; poetics; ancient comedy; Aristophanes.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15162/2465-0951/1390


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