In vita sunt omnia nobis. L’elenco dei grandi dannati in Fedro App. 7

Clotilde Craca


App. 7 is a fable without an apologue. It deals with the Homeric myth of the Great Sinners in Ades (Odyssey, XI, 84 ss.) and its allegoresis, inspired by the Stoic-Cynic diatribe. Phaedrus offers his own explanation, according to the morality of the fabula: he departs from Lucretius, who cited the list – first in the Latin literature – in an important passage of the III book of his De rerum natura (vv. 978-1012). Words and iuncturae are inspired by many literary sources (Homer, Lucretius, the Augustan poets). The similarity with Tibullus, I, 3 is remarkable.

Parole chiave

Great Sinners; Phaedrus; Allegoresis

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