Digital Edition of Fragmentary Ancient Greek Tragedy (DEFrAG-Tragedy): idea progettuale e modello di codifica

Sabina Castellaneta, Nadia Rosso


DEFrAG-Tragedy, acronym for Digital Edition of Fragmentary Ancient Greek Tragedy, is a project for a born-digital scholarly edition of Greek tragic fragments, starting from the analysis of a sample of Euripides’ lost plays. This edition – composed of introduction, critical text, translation and commentary – is entirely XML/TEI annotated, ‘usable’, dynamic, expandable and collaborative. The present paper illustrates the structure and functions of such a critical edition (also by means of the ‘prototype on paper’ of the graphical user interface) and defines XML/TEI annotation model, namely with reference to the annotation: (a) of the structure of lost tragedies; (b) of the text, critical apparatus, translation and commentary on tragic fragments; (c) of the introduction to tragedies and of the paratextual sections.

Parole chiave

Born digital scholarly edition; fragments of Greek tragedy; XML/TEI; Euripides; collaborative editing.

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