Gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) of Greece

Marcela Skuravà, Vaclav Skuhravy


The present gall midge fauna comprises 167 species which were found at 67 localities in Greece during expeditions in 1994, 1995 and 1996. In the period 1880-1993 only 20 gall midge species were recorded from Greece; 149 are new records. An annotated list of gall midge species is given. It includes collection sites together with biological and zoogeographical data. The gall midge fauna is evaluated from the point of view of zoogeography and economic importance. From 2 to 21 species were found at individual localities. The average species number per locality determined from the whole territory of Greece (including Crete) is very low, only 9.3. 35 species were found in north-eastern, 78 in north-western and 80 in the middle part; 56 species in Peloponesos and 38 species in Crete. Horizontal occurrence: 52% species are very rare, 24% rare, 9% moderately frequent, 10% frequent and only 5% occur very frequently. Dasineura turionum causing galls on stems of Asparagus acutifolius is the most abundant species in Greece found at 30 localities. Vertical occurrence: the average number of species does not decrease significantly with increasing altitude. Gall midge species composition change significantly with changing plant communities from the coast near the sea level up to mountains following the altitudinal gradient. Of the Palaearctic species, 33% are European, 12% Euro-Siberian, 50% Mediterranean and sub- Mediterranean, and 5% are Holarctic species. Nine species occurred in the past as pests of cultiva- ted plants of which Odinadiplosis amygdali is a serious pest of almond and peach up to the pre- sent. A list of host plant species attacked by gall midges is given. Distribution of several Mediterranen gall midge species is shown in maps.

Key words: faunistics, zoogeography, Mediterranean, Palearctic, European, Euro-Siberian, Holarctic, distribution, economic importance, pest.


I Cecidomiidi della fauna greca sono rappresentati attualmente da 167 specie note, trovate in 67 località, in occasione di spedizioni effettuate negli anni 1994, 1995 e 1996. Solamente 20 specie di cecidomiidi erano state segnalate per la Grecia dal 1880 al 1993; 149 risultano nuove segnalazioni. Viene fornito un elenco di specie con annotazioni riguardanti luoghi di raccolta, dati biologici e zoogeografici. Viene anche data una valutazione sull’importanza zoogeografica ed economica dei reperti. Delle specie paleartiche raccolte, il 33% risultano europee, il 12% euro- siberiane, il 50% mediterranee e sub-mediterranee e il 5% olartiche. Nove specie venivano consi- derate dannose in passato a piante coltivate, e una specie (Odinadiplosis amygdali) è tuttora molto dannosa al mandorlo e al pesco. Viene anche riportato un elenco delle piante ospiti dei cecidomiidi trattati. La distribuzione geografica di varie specie mediterranee è illustrata con apposite mappe.

Parole chiave: faunistica, zoogeografia, mediterraneo, paleartico, europeo, euro-siberiano, oloartico, distribuzione, importanza economica, danni.

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ISSN: 0425-1016 E-ISSN: 2611-8041 (OnLine)